BBW Escorts
They say anything more than a handful is a waste but this doesn't apply when it comes to the big and beautiful escorts. These girls have a little bit more to hold on to and have soft supple curves in all the right places. Some even say that these girls are all woman. At Diamond Escorts they understand that everyone has different tastes so try to cater to everyone's requirements. Big, beautiful and busty escorts are in high demand in the capital and everyone seems to want a piece of the action.
We have all fantasized about being with a supermodel type. The slim, slender ladies with the large breasts that you see in magazines are great to look at, but do they really put in as much effort as the BBW escorts when it comes to pleasing their men?
These larger, curvier ladies know how to use their bodies to their advantage. It can feel amazing to have one of these girls sit on your chest and bounce up and down. You can get a full view of her voluptuous sexy body. Ask her to bend over so that you can really appreciate her big booty. Give it a few light slaps and wobble her cheeks. You can get a fantastic view from here.
Maybe you are in to squashing. If you haven't heard of this before, it is basically where a larger lady sits on you and uses her weight to apply pressure to your body. It can be sexual or non sexual but either way is definitely a thrill. There are lots of websites dedicated to this popular pastime, have a look next time you are on line.
Perhaps you have always just had a thing for bigger women, but due to pressures from society that say slim is sexy, chose to conform and have now ended up with someone that doesn't really do it for you in the bedroom. You may be embarrassed to date a larger lady through fear of what your friends may say. Now you can have all that intimacy with the BBW escorts without anyone having to know.
If taking these escorts on a date, bear in mind that the probably won't want to do too much physical activity, (unless it's between the sheets) and they would be much happier going for a nice meal and relaxing with you at home. They don't maintain their curvy figures by doing strenuous exercise and eating salads!
There are plenty of well rounded BBW escorts for you to choose from. Browse through the galleries and look for all the ladies over a size twelve. Any smaller than this and they may be a bit too slim for what you are looking for. Look for a nice busty girl so you know that she has her curves in all the right places.
Just because these escorts are slightly larger does not mean that they are not just as well presented and enthusiastic as all the other girls. Book a BBW escort today to really get your moneys worth.