Dating Younger Women
Does dating a younger woman just add another notch to place in your belt or do you really believe that you can have a long-term relationship with her? London escorts don't mind dating older guys but do you really have what it takes to make her happy?
Some men tend to stay away from younger girls as there tend to be too many issues regarding differences in hobbies, interests, opinions and the view points that you may each have about life. Being able to bridge the age gap may be difficult because its not only the physical aspect that you need to look at but also the mental and emotional maturity difference unless you want to introduce your mother to another one of her grandchildren.
If you just want a one-night stand, you can act her age and swoon her into your bed but what about a long-term relationship can you carry on the charade forever? Not likely. In order to have a meaningful relationship with someone that is a lot younger than you takes a lot of time and a lot of patience. Are you willing to go through that as you are going up in age? Wouldn't you prefer to just date someone that is closer to your age group? You may be telling yourself it doesn't matter what age the woman is because in all relationships effort is always required.
Dating is known to be a two-way street, bending over backwards to please your female companion just doesn't cut it. Ask yourself the question, Why is this beautiful woman 10 years my junior dating me? It could be that she is ready to settle down and is tired of the immaturity of guys her own age so by acting the same age as her and trying to be the hip new boyfriend may back fire so be careful as she may actually be looking for a mature guy.
Don't underestimate what you can bring to the relationship with a younger female companion such as maturity, experience, security and accomplishments. Allow her to see your true self instead of a man that she tried so hard to get way from. Yes she can be a trophy if you choose, or a London escort, but considering the fact that she choose to be with an older, mature sophisticated guy means that she is tired of just being someone's trophy and she wants to be something more.
Nobody says that you have to run off and get married because you are afraid to lose this young new damsel but find out what her intentions are for the relationship as well as share yours with her so the both of you will know what to expect from the other.