Dodgy Pictures and Bullshit from Suspect London Escort Agencies
There seems to be a tidal wave of inaccurately portrayed images floating around the London escorts scene on some of the less trusting newcomers to our business. The random selection of extremely attractive young escorts in London being displayed on competitor's websites is flawed. Furthermore, the image blurring makes for even more suspicion! Accepted that for obvious reasons some of the girls wish to remain anonymous especially if they are local to the area being advertised, but to alter all images on the website certainly does not ring true. I smell a rat and it is time these rogues were exposed for their exploitation of potential clients. It is a blatant attempt to foil the client in order to attract business to the company. Good marketing plan or unscrupulous advertising in order to grab the reader's attention. This is a no brainer when you think about it.
Say you follow up a call and the young escort in London of your dreams turns up at a pre-designated meeting place, well how do you know for certain that this is the girl you requested for that extra special liaison and not just another London escort on the company's books? Are you, the reader, beginning to get the idea, especially when this advertising medium is open to abuse and the company doing the advertising has no thought for its clientele, no moral obligation, or for that matter, no consideration for its attractive and willing escorts in London employees? It would appear on the surface that the only concern is getting you, the trusted and loyal client, to buy into this illusion in order to extract the financial reward that the rendezvous brings. So the company whichever way you look at it, is in a win, win situation, with you, the client, and the employee being the losers, especially if you reject the charming and distinctive London escorts provided.
Ok we have done the false images to bits. I think enough has been said to make you reconsider. What about the Bullshit I hear you say? Well look at the websites, read the content, look at the promises not guarantees, we have already mentioned the images, and if you are still unconvinced, call the London escorts agency you have been looking at. Now the fun begins, listen to the spiel, take in the wide boy attitude they give you over the telephone, and grimace, that is of course if you can initially understand them!!!!! That should just about convince you to rethink using some of the more unscrupulous and less trustworthy sites currently trying to attract you as a new and prestigious client. If they cannot get you interested they will drop you like a ton of bricks and move on to the next unsuspecting victim and so the process then starts all over again. Do business with these rogues at your peril, you are the one that will eventually pay the price and end up disappointed in the long run.