Great ways to spend time with the escorts
Spending time with the escorts in London does not always have to mean the both of you making hot, passionate love on your bed every time you book them. Well this should not be the first thing on your agenda all the time. Why not mix it up a bit and build up to the sex? If you are willing to add a little flavour to your date with the blonde escorts, then here a few things that you may want to try.
A boat ride. There is something about the open sea and the cool breeze that brings a sense of relaxation. Depending on the boat service you may carry a few light refreshments and just enjoy the sea breeze or you maybe take a quick dip with the sexy escorts in London. This will certainly be a change for her from the four walls of your bedroom that she sees all the time.
A trip to the museum. Why not catch up on some history while you are with the blonde escorts? It would definitely be nice to hear her views on something other than sex, wouldn't it? It would be a great learning experience for the both of you, and also be nice to just stroll hand in hand around the museum without a care in the world
A bike ride through the park. One thing that is as nice as strolling hand in hand with the escorts in London, is taking a joy ride through the park. If she's the competitive type then maybe you can have a race or two and state what prize the winner gets, so that when you get back to your place the loser can give the winner their prize. It's a nice build up to what you can expect to give or receive when your ride through the park is over.
A photo-shoot. Who says you have to be a professional photographer to have fun with a camera? You can decide whether or not you want to take the photos inside or outside and you can even decide what sort of pictures you want to take - funny, seductive, cute. I'm sure the escorts would enjoy taking a few pictures of you as well.
A hike. This is a great way to get in tune with nature as well as get some exercise. You can either go by yourself or with a group depending on where you are going to hike. It may be nice to see the London escorts sweat outside of the bedroom! The nice thing about it is that when you get to your place you can take a bath together and maybe have a quickie in the bathroom before taking things to the bedroom.
So instead of taking the easy way out with the escorts by just having sex with them, learn to use events to build up the moment. Not only will the both of you enjoy it but when you actually get her into bed she will be more than fired up and ready to give you what you have waited so long for. It's a win-win situation so take advantage of it.