London Escorts and Discretion
The escorts in London are very aware that you don't want everyone knowing your business. This could be for a number of reasons. It could be that you have a partner and a family at home or you think that your friends would laugh at you if they were to learn that you had paid for a woman, or maybe you just like to keep these things to yourself. Whatever the reason you can rest assured that the London escorts are very discreet.
If you have invited her to your house then you can ask the ladies security driver to park somewhere other than directly outside your house. They can park down the road or round the corner and as long as they can see the lady entering your home then it shouldn't be a problem. You can ask the lady to dress casual or in jeans and trainers. That way, any of your neighbours who like to twitch the curtains will just assume she is a visitor and will have no idea of what hides beneath her regular attire and what sexy activities you have planned for the evening.
If your London escort is visiting you at your hotel, you may need to make some special arrangements before she arrives. Let the reception staff know that your girlfriend or colleague will be visiting. Arrange for her to pick up a key from the front desk and tell her what name to give. You may want to meet her outside the hotel so it looks as though you are arriving together. You could have a few drinks before you go up to your room so it looks likes a real date. When making your booking, the reception staff may want to confirm you are actually staying at the hotel by speaking to you in your room. They can also pretend to be your girlfriend or colleague and they never let the hotel know where they are actually calling from.
If you are hiring a London escort to accompany you to an event or function, you can be assured that she will act as the perfect companion. She will never blow your cover and say who she really is. She will get totally into character and no one will ever think that you are not a genuine couple. You may want to give your London escort some background information first so that they are not faced with any awkward questions that they are unable to answer.
When you make your booking you are asked to give your name, address and contact number. Although most agencies have a computer based system, this is mainly so that they can eliminate time wasters and identify regular customers. They will never pass your details on to a third party or send you a barrage of texts and emails. Only the office staff have access to this information and there are no other personal details stored.
So if you decide to book one of the London escorts you can be assured of total discretion as well as guaranteed satisfaction.